We want to make you aware of the Northern Great Plains Joint Venture (NGPJV) website that discusses its mission and what they do.
In short, here are some of the items we found pertinent to our readers:
The Northern Great Plains Joint Venture (NGPJV) is a coalition of individuals living, working, and engaging in recreational activities in the Northern Great Plains region. The NGPJV operates in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota and is concerned about the ongoing loss of grassland resources and the simultaneous decline of grassland bird populations.
The mission of the NGPJV is to retain, enhance, restore, and protect grassland, sagebrush-steppe, wetland, and riparian ecosystems, with a focus on sustaining and increasing populations of migratory and resident birds. They recognize the vital role of private landowners and Tribes in achieving their vision of resilient grasslands.
In terms of habitat, the Northern Great Plains is home to some of the most intact shrub-steppe and grassland landscapes in North America, providing critical breeding habitat for five imperiled species of grassland birds. Wetlands and riparian areas scattered throughout this region are essential for supporting people, livestock, and wildlife, but these areas face threats such as drainage, conversion to agricultural use, grazing pressure, and invasion by non-native plant species.

The NGPJV partners value and respect the traditions and voices of all individuals living and working in the Northern Great Plains, including the 27 Indigenous tribes or bands with ancestral connections to the region.
The website hosts a Conservation in Action Page that points the user to a number of tools that include the NGPJV Web Tool, N-GRIP (The Northern Grassland Restoration Incentive Program), and a number of Planning and Monitoring Tools (amongst others), while their Resources Page provides documents and a plethora of funding sites.
We invite you to visit this site to find out more!
Visit these “Growing Resilience Through Our Soils” information pages:
1. Podcast page for drought planning fact sheets, Q&As, news, podcasts and more.
2. Video page to watch videos of other ranchers’ journeys toward improved rangeland/pasture.
3.Follow Growing Resilience on social media:
4. Our homepage: www.growingresiliencesd.com